Patient Guide 
Key Information for Your Stay

Speak Up

Speak Up

You are the center of your healthcare team. Let this special guide help you get the best results from your hospital stay.

Speak up! If you have questions or concerns, you have the right to ask and get a response, from your doctor or nurse, that makes sense to you.

To help, share your answers to these questions with hospital staff.


  • What language would you prefer to speak?
  • Do you need glasses, hearing aids or other devices to help with talking to hospital staff?
  • Do you prefer to hear, read, or see pictures of health information?
  • Do you have any cultural, ethnic, or religious-based special needs?
  • Who will be your support person who talks with hospital staff about your healthcare wishes?

Ask Yourself

Is there anything else the hospital should be aware of to improve my care experience?

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